Encouraging your employees to participate in your 401(k) plan and take advantage of their benefits is critical for your success—but their participation also bolsters their own chances for a more rewarding retirement.
It’s because your employees are so important to you that their success is so important to us.
We provide complete plan participant assistance, even to the point of hand-walking participants through their plan’s online portal so they understand how to use their technology and take control of their retirement benefits.
We Offer High-Tech, High-Touch 401(k) Plan Participant Support
Your participants can go to us for help with any question, freeing you from hunting down answers to queries you may not know so you can keep your focus where it should be—on the health of your business.
We not only want to lighten your administrative load, we also want to bring you peace of mind. We are committed to answering all questions within 24 hours. And because of our close relationships with ADP, Paychex, Dominion, and other plan providers, we receive preferred treatment and can get the right answers, fast.
Planning for the Long-Term, Today
We can help your employees understand why they should participate, help them get comfortable with their investment choices, and start them on the right path for a successful retirement.
But we know that some plan participants will need more guidance than others. That’s why we include financial planning and financial wellness education so participants can understand how their 401(k) fits into their complete financial picture.